Sven Callebaut – Principal
Sven’s work aims at bridging the gaps existing between Government’s trade and digital trade aspirations reflected in strategies & policies and development partners’ value for money and impact expectations. He achieves this by advising and guiding Government leaders, donors and regional organizations in South East Asia (ASEAN) and the Pacific (PIFS), mostly for Australian DFAT and UN agencies. After a 13-year career as a trade adviser for UNCTAD, he has advised several Government agencies (DFAT, GIZ, DANIDA), in particular in Bhutan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu in accelerating their economic transformation, digital transition, digital trade adoption.
Most recent assignments:
Team Leader, Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap (PIFS, DFAT)
Lead Adviser, Project on Strengthening an Inclusive Enabling Environment for e-Commerce in Cambodia, Myanmar, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu (DFAT)
Lead Adviser, Economic Governance Infrastructure Policy Program formulation, 2021 (DFAT)
E-commerce Counsel, Development of a Work Plan for the ASESAN E-commerce Agreement (for ASEAN, DFAT-funded)
Team Leader, Bhutan Trade Strategy 2021-2026, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bhutan
Team Leader, Cambodia Trade Strategy 2019-2023, Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia
Lead Adviser, eTrade Readiness Assessments Programme, 2016-2019 (UNCTAD)